Colegio Santa Úrsula
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades
Clasificación ENG
Autor(es) Jamieson, Victoria Mohamed, Omar
Título(s) When stars are scattered
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición
Penguin Random House

Resumen Omar and his younger brother, Hassan, have spent most of their lives in Dadaab, a refugee camp in Kenya. Life is hard there: never enough food, achingly dull, and without access to the medical care Omar knows his nonverbal brother needs. So when Omar has the opportunity to go to school, he knows it might be a chance to change their future . . . but it would also mean leaving his brother, the only family member he has left, every day. Heartbreak, hope, and gentle humor exist together in this graphic novel about a childhood spent waiting, and a young man who is able to create a sense of family and home in the most difficult of settings. It's an intimate, important, unforgettable look at the day-to-day life of a refugee, as told to New York Times Bestselling author/artist Victoria Jamieson by Omar Mohamed, the Somali man who lived the story.
Descripción 256 p.


No de registroStatusLugar
20051750 DisponibleB
20051759 DisponibleB
20051767 DisponibleB
20051769 DisponibleB
20051766 DisponibleB
20051770 DisponibleB
20051758 DisponibleB
20051753 Prestado hasta el miércoles, 19 de junio de 2024
20051768 DisponibleB
20051760 DisponibleB
20051764 DisponibleB
20051775 DisponibleB
20051776 DisponibleB
20051774 DisponibleB
20051748 Disponible
20051763 Prestado hasta el miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024
20051762 DisponibleB
20051761 DisponibleB
20051754 Prestado hasta el viernes, 31 de mayo de 2024
20051779 DisponibleB
20051757 DisponibleB
20051751 Prestado hasta el lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024
20051752 Prestado hasta el jueves, 16 de mayo de 2024
20051778 Prestado hasta el miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024
20051771 Prestado hasta el miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024
20051772 DisponibleB
20051773 DisponibleB
20051765 DisponibleB
20051755 DisponibleB
20051756 DisponibleB
20051784 Prestado hasta el miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024
20051783 DisponibleB
20051782 DisponibleB
20051781 DisponibleB
20051780 DisponibleB

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