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Clasificación ENG
Autor(es) Tyolen, Jane Teague, Mark
Título(s) How do dinosaurs
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Resumen Mother and child ponder the different ways a dinosaur can say goodnight, from slamming his tail and pouting to giving a big hug and kiss. Featuring ten sleepy dinosaurs, this adorable picture book from prize-winning writer Jane Yolen and best-selling illustrator Mark Teague celebrates the funny, endearing, naughty bedtime behavior of young children... and young dinosaurs. Tuck your child in and snuggle up for a bedtime story as the ten dinosaur children of this New York Times bestseller tell you how they say goodnight. Whether it's pouting or throwing his teddy bear around, demanding a piggyback ride, or another book, each little dino eventually tucks in his tail and says good night. Delightful illustrations and lilting rhymes make the perfect read-aloud and promote memorization as well as word recognition skills.
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