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Clasificación ENG
Autor(es) Ehlert, Lois
Título(s) Growing vegetable soup
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Notas Written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert
Resumen Caldecott Artist Lois Ehlert uses her bold, distinctive collage art to demonstrate the many steps that go into preparing vegetable soup - literally from the ground up. The first step is planting, one of the many adventures which the loving father and child in this story share. Next they water, take care, and watch: what joy to see bean seeds become beans, and tomato plants tomatoes! The many vegetables - including potatoes, corn, and cabbage - grow and ripen, each in its own special way. Gathering together the fruits (or rather vegetables) of their labor, the family cooks a delicious vegetable soup. Nothing has ever tasted so good...and it's even...
Descripción s.p.


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