Colegio Santa Úrsula
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Clasificación ENG
Autor(es) "Nolan, Helen Walker, Tracy "
Título(s) How much, how many, how far, how heavy, how long, how tall is 1000?
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New York-United States

Notas "If you had a thousand freckles sprinkled across your nose, think it was a lot. But if your dad had only a thousand hairs on his head, he'd be wishing for a whole lot more! Explore how the number 1000 can be a lot or a little, depending on what is being counted- and who is doing the counting! Here's an interesting and amusing twist on the traditional counting book. Children will be intrigued to explore how the same number can seem ""bigger"" or ""smaller"" depending on the size, arrangement, and use of the objects being counted. -Today's Parent The message says, loud and clear, ""Math is fun! -The Observer"
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