Colegio Santa Úrsula
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


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Clasificación ENG
Autor(es) "Harris, Clare "
Título(s) The Well
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición


Notas "With illustrations; Starter Level; Además viene audio CD.."
Resumen Lia and Jay's grandmother is old and in poor health. She misses her husband who has recently died. She begs her family to fetch water from the well at the abandoned family farm in the hills. After listening to their parents' words of caution about the recent volcanic activity in the area, Lia and Jay set off early in the morning to walk to the farm. On their journey the teenagers meet a variety of people and when they return , it is not just the well water that they bring back to the city.
Descripción 16 p.


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